"If you want to be free, there is but one way; it is to guarantee an equally full measure of liberty to all your neighbors. There is no other." - Carl Schurz

"The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time." - George Sutherland
"Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe." - Edmund Burke

Friday, June 30, 2006

No podcast this week

I have postponed this week's podcast to next week due to illness.

I have had an unbearable headache with occasional fever since Tuesday. Luckily, I saw my doctor today and he thinks that muscle tension is pinching a nerve, triggering the headache and the inflammatory response that causes the fevers. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory steroid and a muscle relaxer. They seem to be working okay so far. I still have a headache but it seems less severe.

Speaking of the podcast, I'm thinking of putting it on hiatus for a while. If I do, next week's podcast, the twentieth episode, would be the last for a while. The tracks I have included so far represent about 2% of my total collection and I am nowhere near scraping the bottom yet. However, I want to stop while I'm ahead. I know it won't be long until I have acquired enough new music to start again. Plus, twenty is a nice round number. It will give me a chance to "remaster" the old podcasts and burn CDs for friends that don't have internet access or aren't internet savvy enough to figure out how to download it (I think they're Amish). So, let's think of next week as the season finale for a show that has been extended for at least one more season.

Here's what I've been listening to while I've been ill:

  1. Tim Buckley: Starsailor
  2. Iron & Wine: Our Endless Numbered Days
  3. Morrissey: Ringleader of the Tormentors
  4. The The: Soul Mining
  5. Siouxsie & The Banshees: Tinderbox
  6. Bright Eyes: Digital Ash in a Digital Urn

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


As of today, I officially became the new secretary of the Library Staff Association at ASU. I have also volunteered to be the LSA blogger. I have set up a new blog hosted by ASU, which I hope to update regularly.

Here's is what I've been listening to:

  1. Guided by Voices: Half Smiles of the Decomposed
  2. V/A: A Misra Sampler
  3. Boards of Canada: Geogaddi
  4. Iggy Pop: Lust for Life

Monday, June 26, 2006

No Direction Home on PBS Wednesday night

No Direction Home, Martin Scorcese's two-hour documentary about Bob Dylan, will be broadcast on PBS Wednesday night. If you live in the Phoenix area, that's 10PM on channel 8. If you are outside of Phoenix, check your local listings.

Tenants' rights in Arizona

Michael is having a dispute with his apartment complex's management. They have been renovating both pools, the clubhouse and the gym in preparation for a condo conversion for some weeks now, denying access to current tenants. The management has so far refused to discount Michael's rent in light of the unavailability of these facilities. Here is what I've found in Arizona's Residential Landlord & Tenant Act, Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 33, Chapter 10:


33‐1310. General definitions

10. “Premises” means a dwelling unit and the structure of which it is a part and existing facilities and appurtenances therein, including furniture and utilities where applicable, and grounds, areas and existing facilities held out for the use of tenants generally or whose use is promised to the tenant.


33‐1324. Landlord to maintain fit premises

A. The landlord shall:

2. Make all repairs and do whatever is necessary to put and keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition.


33‐1361. Noncompliance by the landlord

A. Except as provided in this chapter, if there is a material noncompliance by the landlord with the rental agreement, including a material falsification of the written information provided to the tenant, the tenant may deliver a written notice to the landlord specifying the acts and omissions constituting the breach and that the rental agreement will terminate upon a date not less than ten days after receipt of the notice if the breach is not remedied in ten days... For the purposes of this section, material falsification shall include... the condition of the premises and any current services as represented by the landlord in writing as well as any written representation.

In Arizona, landlords and property management companies use the Arizona Landlord's Deskbook and they know exactly what their obligations under the law are. However, unless you make it clear that you know, they will play dumb. Every renter should know ARS33-10 backward and forward so they can avoid getting screwed.

I think it melted.

Today's listening

  1. Think About Life: Think About Life
  2. Frog Eyes: The Bloody Hand
  3. Blue Pine: Seagull Is on the Rise
  4. Brightblack Morning Light: Brightblack Morning Light
  5. Mojave 3: Puzzles Like You
  6. Paik: Monster of the Absolute
  7. Cocteau Twins: Lullabies to Violaine Vol. 2
  8. DeVotchka: Curse Your Little Heart EP
  9. V/A: Chocolate Swim EP
  10. Mr. Bungle: Disco Volante

Saturday, June 24, 2006

paleunderweight podcast 19

This week's podcast is currently uploading. It should be done in a few minutes. When it's finished, you can download it here.

  1. My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult: "A Martini Built for 2"
  2. Nomo: "Sarvodaya"
  3. Richard Butler: "Satellites"
  4. Cat Power: "Colors and the Kids"
  5. !!!: "Me and Giuliani Down by the School Yard (A True Story)"
  6. Saturday Looks Good to Me: "One Hundred People"
  7. Aesop Rock: "Fast Cars"
  8. Daft Punk: "Something About Us"
  9. LCD Soundsystem: "Losing My Edge"
  10. Nick Drake: "Poor Boy"
  11. Television: "Marquee Moon"
  12. COIL: "Blood From the Air"

Catching up

More about my first three days at the new job later. Also later, why Richard Butler's new solo album is now my favorite album of 2006 so far.

Here is what I listened to on Thursday and Friday morning:

  1. My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult: Sexplosion!
  2. Björk: Medúlla
  3. Richard Butler: Richard Butler

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First day on the job jitters

In three hours, I officially start my second part-time job at Live and Let Live Cafe (no website to link to, unfortunately).

I was on the verge of panicking about not having full-time work yet this past weekend. On the spur of the moment, I suggested to Michael that we have lunch at the cafe, which was started by several acquaintances a few months ago. It had occurred to me before to apply for a job there previously, but I had never gotten around to checking if they were hiring. While we ate, I filled out an application. The next afternoon I got the call offering me the job.

I'm a bit nervous because it's a completely new line of work for me. Michael texted me earlier today, "It's ok to be nervous on ur first day." I had an amusing mental image of the first day of kindergarten, with Michael leaving me with the teacher and a fully-grown me screaming, "Nooooo!!! Don't leave me!!!" I immediately replied, "Will you go with me and hold my hand?"

I have confidence that I will be able to learn this job, though. And though it's not the kind of work I'm looking for, I can make some money to pay bills while I apply for full-time positions at the library (five of which are getting listed this week). And the fact that I already know most of my coworkers and the clientele helps, too.

Here's what I've been listening to yesterday and today:

  1. Mission of Burma: The Obliterati
  2. Espers: II
  3. Television: Marquee Moon
  4. LCD Soundsystem: LCD Soundsystem
  5. Daft Punk: Discovery
  6. !!!: Louden Up Now
  7. Scott Walker: The Drift
  8. Cat Power: Moon Pix
  9. COIL: Horse Rotorvator
  10. The Body Lovers: The Body Lovers
  11. The Body Haters: The Body Haters

Monday, June 19, 2006

I could have been a stapler, could have been a duck

Thanks to David at threedogheads for bringing it to my attention that it's Nick Drake's birthday!

Tonight, if you are fortunate enough to live in my house (or any of the adjacent houses), you will be treated to my very special nude backyard tribute performance of Five Leaves Left, Bryter Layter and Pink Moon in their entirety featuring improvised dancing, my signature falsetto and stream-of-consciousness alternate lyrics!

Free music

As Pitchfork continues its Orwellian program of dominion over the institution of music, its Ministry of Hipster Cred (MiniHipCred), whose slogan is "Retro is modern", is expanding into related fields such as the music festival. The 2006 Pitchfork Music Festival has an impressive lineup of artists, such as Yo La Tengo, Danielson, Aesop Rock, Spoon, Jens Lekman, etc. To commemorate this year's festival, Pitchfork has released a doubleplusgood free sampler of acts performing therein on Emusic. It's free so give it a try.

Pleasant Surprise

Certain musicians have earned a status of high esteem from fans and other artists alike by virtue of decades of innovative contributions. For example: Tom Waits, Lou Reed, David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Scott Walker, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, etc. Once this status is achieved, I believe that anything they do is worth an open-minded listen at the very least.

Recently, two such icons, Paul Simon and Brian Eno, teamed up to create Surprise. This unlikely collaboration seemed unusual and alluring to me, but I was afraid that it could suffer from both artists' downward trajectory away from their respective creative peaks. If you subscribe to the parabolic model of an artist's career (which I do at times), then both Eno and Simon surpassed their maxima decades ago.

But this model doesn't always accord well with observation. Depeche Mode, Madonna and Pet Shop Boys all recently released albums that are easily their best in at least a decade. Mission of Burma came back after twenty years of dormancy and sounded fresher than most new post-punk acts. Swans were at their finest just before their break-up. Tom Waits has reinvented his sound several times, causing his career arc to resemble a sine wave. Could Simon and Eno escape the parabola too?

Critics disagree on whether this is the case. Pitchfork's Marc Hogan calls Surprise "half-formed tone poems that live down to the self-absorbed, vapidly mystic, utterly clueless conception of Baby Boomers one sees in TV commercials." Ouch. Alfred Soto at Stylus has a higher opinion: "[G]ive it 20 years and its cadenced ruminations and instantly dated production will get some love from the usual suspects."

Having listened to it in full, my opinion runs closer to the latter. There are some dull moments, but for the most part it lives up to the promise of a Simon/Eno collaboration. If you are a fan of either artist, give it a listen.

Here's is what I've been listening to last night and today:

  1. The Futureheads: News and Tributes
  2. Saturday Looks Good to Me: Sound on Sound
  3. Asobi Seksu: Citrus
  4. Nomo: New Tones
  5. Paul Simon: Surprise
  6. Gregor Samsa: 55:12
  7. V/A: 2006 Pitchfork Music Festival Sampler
  8. Nick Drake: Bryter Layter
  9. Talkdemonic: Beat Romantic
  10. Evangelicals: So Gone

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Ruby and Michael


paleunderweight podcast 18

This week's podcast is here:

  1. Pet Shop Boys: "I Made My Excuses and Left"
  2. Man Man: "Van Helsing Boombox"
  3. Kate Bush: "Moments of Pleasure"
  4. The Angels of Light: "I Pity the Poor Immigrant"
  5. The New Pornographers: "Jackie, Dressed in Cobras"
  6. Regina Spektor: "Samson"
  7. Sonic Youth: "Turquoise Boy"
  8. Hot Chip: "Over & Over"
  9. Modest Mouse: "Trailer Trash"
  10. M. Ward: "Sweethearts on Parade"
  11. Frog Eyes: "Masticated Outboard Motors"
  12. The Wrens: "Thirteen Grand"
  13. Akron/Family: "Future Myth"
  14. This Mortal Coil: "Barramundi"
  15. Spoon: "The Fitted Shirt"
  16. Silver Jews: "The Poor, the Fair and the Good"
  17. Cyann & Ben: "I Can't Pretend Anymore"

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Long weekend

I am taking tomorrow off from work. If I attempted to go to work on less than 13 hours of sleep tomorrow, I would fall asleep at a most awkward and inappropriate moment. Yes, I am that exhausted.

My itinerary for tomorrow starts with sleeping in until my cat and my dog start working together to figure out how to call the paramedics on my cell phone. Then I will listen to music and play World of Warcraft. Then it's time to eat a whole pound cake while watching two straight hours of Dharma & Greg reruns. If I have time, I will devote at least an hour perfecting my Truffle Shuffle. Finally, my friend Jason and I will go to the movies. If at all possible, I will go out without having showered or combed my hair, still wearing my footie pajamas and bunny slippers. Just kidding - you can't wear bunny slippers with footie pajamas.

Here's what has gone in one ear today, but as of right now has not gone out the other yet:

  1. Man Man: Six Demon Bag
  2. His Name Is Alive: Detrola
  3. Kate Bush: The Red Shoes
  4. Spoon: Girls Can Tell
  5. Regina Spektor: Begin to Hope
  6. Pet Shop Boys: Fundamental

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Occasionally, not often, my intuitive method for finding new music steers me wrong.

Thursday is a good example of this. While there were hints of tantalizing complexity in each song, they were consistently drowned out by undisciplined cacophony. I think this is a case of too many musicians stepping all over one another. It was frustrating - like someone who is very attractive and willing to sleep with you but too shy to let you see them naked. Maybe I'll feel differently after a second listen.

Oh, well. I'm not afraid to take risks if it means finding something amazing from time to time. It happens frequently enough.

Hot Chip's new album is turning out to be quite different from their debut and better than I hoped. And quite a relief after listening to the Thursday album.

Today's listening:

  1. Sonic Youth: Rather Ripped
  2. Cyann & Ben: Spring
  3. Neil Young: Living With War
  4. Silver Jews: Tanglewood Numbers
  5. Thursday: A City by the Light Divided
  6. Hot Chip: The Warning
  7. Lansing-Dreiden: The Dividing Island


I have been in a financial crunch since graduation. As a result, the flow of new music into my collection has slowed considerably. I still have means of acquiring some new music, though. My prepaid subscription to Emusic provides eight or nine new albums near the end of each month. Also, I have been trading in CD's at Hoodlums for store credit.

Today I picked up the new albums by Hot Chip, Lansing-Dreiden, and Thursday. One of my favorite hoodlums rang me up. "Thursday?" she inquired. "That's a little outside of your usual pattern."

The truth is that I rarely listen to any portion of an album before acquiring it. In fact, I frequently buy albums without having heard anything by the artist. This custom seems odd to people who want to be reasonably sure they are going to like an album before investing their time in it, let alone their money. But I don't go into it completely blind. I use my intuition.

For example, in the case of Thursday, I got a sense from several reviews (mostly good, but some lukewarm) that I would like it. In other cases, it was the band's connection with a label or artist I like (Matmos), striking album art (Múm), an interesting name (Devendra Banhart), hearing the name several times in a short period from different sources (J Dilla), or a recommendation from a dead friend in a dream (The Avalanches).

This method usually works pretty well. More often than not, I like what I hear and my horizons are broadened a little. Frequently, I love it.


This Stylus review caught my attention this morning, so I decided to investigate this oddly literate metal band called Blöödhag.

I must be a nerd, because the idea of a metal band whose schtick is promoting literacy and mayhem tickles me. My favorite part of their bio:

"Soon, dozens were attending BlöödHag shows, and Washington state's literacy rate skyrocketed. Books were flying, heads were banging, teeth were being kicked in but minds were expanding."

I hope they aren't throwing hard cover books at their shows.

One of my favorite photos so far from the shelter - Spice

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Want me to show you my Woody again?

If there's any justice in this world...

...then Fitzgerald's refusal to comment on whether Rove has been/will be indicted means something significant.

I am hoping for one of the following:

  • Luskin's claim that Rove received a letter indicating he will not be charged with a crime in connection to Plamegate is untrue, or
  • even better, it is true, but the investigation turned up something even more incriminating which will lead to a more serious indictment unrelated to Plamegate.

On an unrelated note, I can't help notice how much energy people are expending lately on trashing John Aravosis and Americablog. My readers may already know that I have stopped linking to Americablog in the wake of several meltdowns by Aravosis, so I'm not about to start defending him. But why are so many of his detractors seemingly spending all their waking hours reading and writing about Americablog? Several blogs have emerged recently that are devoted entirely to criticizing, lampooning, smearing, and/or attributing spurious quotes and opinions to Aravosis without substantiation. Enough already! If you don't like Aravosis, don't read his blog! Don't waste time fighting him that is better spent fighting fascism.

Today's listening:

  1. The Wrens: The Meadowlands
  2. Frog Eyes: The Golden River
  3. This Mortal Coil: It'll End in Tears
  4. Yaz: You and Me Both
  5. The New Pornographers: Twin Cinema
  6. M. Ward: Transistor Radio
  7. Six Organs of Admittance: The Sun Awakens

Where is Woody Guthrie when you need him?

Monday, June 12, 2006

I remember you well in Chelsea Hotel...

Doing what in the unmade bed?

Catching up

Last week was busier at work than I had ever seen it due to two staff being away on vacation. I worked afternoons rather than my usual morning shift to compensate for their absence. I enjoyed sleeping in, but I felt as if no amount of sleep was enough for me to feel well-rested. I averaged about ten hours a night but still felt exhausted. Commuting in the afternoon heat on an unreliable bus system was a drawback as well.

I was ecstatic over last Wednesday's storm. It happened just as I was leaving work. I was so happy for a break from the heat that I didn't bother trying to shelter myself from the rain. I stood in the downpour, arms out at my sides and eyes closed, relishing the soaking for a few minutes before the bus arrived. I was disappointed that it didn't recur Thursday as the local meteorologist had predicted.

Michael went to Tucson for the weekend to visit a close friend who is recovering from baryatric surgery. She has already lost 50 pounds in the month since the surgery. I hope we can go visit together soon so I can see the results for myself. Michael came back horribly sunburned. He has been smearing himself with grapeseed oil to ease the pain. He told me today that the smell makes him hungry for some kind of antipasto.

Today I received my diploma in the mail. Now I have proof. It still doesn't feel real to me yet.

Today's listening:

  1. Akron/Family & The Angels of Light: Akron/Family & Angels of Light
  2. The Mountain Goats: We Shall All Be Healed
  3. Modest Mouse: The Lonesome Crowded West

Podcast available, finally

The new podcast is available for download.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

paleunderweight podcast 17

The podcast is uploading right now. For some reason, Yahoo! Sitebuilder decided that all the podcasts needed to be re-uploaded, so it's taking longer than usual. It will be available within an hour or two. Here is the tracklisting:

  1. Portishead: "It's a Fire"
  2. Saturday Looks Good to Me: "No Good With Secrets"
  3. Growing: "Cumulusless"
  4. The Television Personalities: "No More I Hate You's"
  5. Deerhoof: "There's a Kind of Hush (All Over the World)"
  6. Hot Chip: "Keep Fallin'"
  7. Tom Zé: "Duas Opiniões"
  8. My Bloody Valentine: "When You Sleep"
  9. XXL: "Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw Paw"
  10. Dangerdoom: "Korn Dogz"
  11. TV on the Radio: "Poppy"
  12. Juana Molina: "No Seas Antipática"
  13. Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory: "Feet Upon the Sand"
  14. The Dresden Dolls: "Delilah"
  15. Espers: "Voices"
  16. Camera Obscura: "Come Back Margaret"
  17. Patrick Wolf: "Teignmouth"
  18. The Long Lost: "Coyote's Song (When You Hear It Too)"

Friday, June 09, 2006


  1. El Perro Del Mar: El Perro Del Mar
  2. DAT Politics: Wow Twist
  3. Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory: Tree Colored See
  4. Eleventh Dream Day: Zeroes and Ones
  5. Nobody & Mystic Chords of Memory: Broaden a New Sound EP

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wednesday and Thursday

The past two days haven't been exactly eventful, but they have been slightly out of the routine. More later.

  1. Hot Chip: Coming On Strong
  2. Juana Molina: Son
  3. Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man
  4. Espers: Espers
  5. Saturday Looks Good to Me: All Your Summer Songs
  6. Kraftwerk: Minimum-Maximum
  7. TV on the Radio: Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
  8. Herbert: Scale

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Nothing exciting to report.

  1. Beirut: Gulag Orkestar
  2. Patrick Wolf: Wind in the Wires
  3. Iggy Pop: The Idiot
  4. Neko Case: Fox Confessor Brings the Flood
  5. Paavoharju: Yhä Hämärää
  6. The Russian Futurists: Our Thickness
  7. Camera Obscura: Let's Get Out of This Country
  8. Boards of Canada: Trans Canada Highway EP
  9. Be Your Own Pet: Be Your Own Pet

Monday, June 05, 2006


I hate job hunting.

I have been trying to find a part-time job (in addition to the one I have) for weeks. I have tried temp agencies, Craigslist, and even my old job to no avail. This is getting really frustrating. I am probably going to have to write my grandfather and drop some not-so-subtle hints that I could use some money.

Aside from crushing poverty, it's actually kind of nice to have all the free time. I know I will miss it once I'm working full-time.

I have been deliberating over which album should be the topic of my next "Albums That Loved Me Back" segment. I've considered a number of albums: Doolittle, Loveless, Daydream Nation, The Idiot, Homogenic, Ziggy Stardust, Disintegration, Ágætis Byrjun, Closer, etc. But why write about albums that are almost universally recognized as masterpieces? I may as well write about Nevermind or Abbey Road - neither of which I've ever actually heard completely, and yet so much has been said about them that I could probably regurgitate some oft-repeated phrases and fool the reader.

I prefer to write about albums that are relatively obscure, underrated, or perhaps even loved by most audiophiles for reasons completely dissimilar to my own. In other words, albums for which my appreciation is not entirely based on their musical merits, but also on my experiences with them.

With this in mind, I have selected an album that, despite its dizzy rapture-inducing gorgeousness, tends to be absent from most critics' lists of best albums of the 90s. I will post my article in a few days.

Today's listening:

  1. Dengue Fever: Escape From Dragon House
  2. Robyn: Robyn
  3. My Bloody Valentine: Loveless
  4. This Mortal Coil: Blood

Friday, June 02, 2006

Free music

Deerhoof has released a free download-only EP of live cuts and cover versions. Also, Dangerdoom has a free EP available for download at the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim website.

P.S. Listen to "Korn Dogz" from the Dangerdoom Occult Hymn EP. I'm pretty sure that it is built around Nico's recording of the Lou Reed/John Cale song, "Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams". Can anyone confirm this?


I was going to go to temple tonight, but the bus was so late that getting there on time became impossible. Though I live in what would be considered Central Phoenix, it still takes three buses to get to the nearest Reform synagogue in Scottsdale. The first of these only runs every 35 minutes and is prone to being wildly off schedule because its route coincides with much of the light rail construction.

Still no podcast tonight. I just don't feel like doing anything.

Today's paltry listening:

  1. Phoenix: It's Never Been Like That
  2. Growing: Color Wheel
  3. Dangerdoom: Occult Hymn EP

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Podcast postponed

I have decided not to do a podcast this week for two reasons. First, I haven't had time to listen to as much music as I would have liked this week. Second, I have been neglecting my spiritual life for many weeks and I think my Friday night is better spent in temple than in front of my computer.

In future weeks I will try to select the tracks and do the initial recording on Thursdays, then post online on Saturday mornings.

On that subject, after sixteen episodes I have learned quite a bit about how to achieve a decent sound quality. I am leaning toward "remastering" the old podcasts over the next few weeks. By this I mean rerecording them with better techniques for higher quality. I would also speak on all of them. I am about 90% sure this is what I am going to do.

Today's listening:

  1. Figurines: Skeleton
  2. The Walkmen: A Hundred Miles Off
  3. Ellen Allien & Apparat: Orchestra of Bubbles
  4. Juana Molina: Son