"If you want to be free, there is but one way; it is to guarantee an equally full measure of liberty to all your neighbors. There is no other." - Carl Schurz

"The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time." - George Sutherland
"Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe." - Edmund Burke

Friday, March 09, 2007

paleunderweight podcast 34

Final episode coming soon. (Don't panic; explanation forthcoming.)

  1. Gruff Rhys: "Gyrru Gyrru Gyrru"
  2. XTC: "Complicated Game"
  3. Modest Mouse: "Ohio"
  4. Cocteau Twins: "Little Spacey"
  5. Dean & Britta: "You Turned My Head Around"
  6. Pinetop Seven: "Easy Company"
  7. Patrick Wolf: "This Weather"
  8. Tujiko Noriko: "In a Chinese Restaurant"
  9. Prefuse 73: "Uprock and Invigorate (A Prefuse/Dabrye Production)"
  10. !!!: "Heart of Hearts"
  11. Panda Bear: "Good Girl/Carrots"
  12. Amon Tobin: "Horsefish"
  13. Dälek: "Stagnant Waters"
  14. The Arcade Fire: "Intervention"

Pinetop Seven: The Night's Bloom
Datarock: Datarock Datarock
Cocteau Twins: Victorialand
King Crimson: Red
Hrvatski: Swarm & Dither

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dean & Britta: Back Numbers
Prefuse 73: One Word Extinguisher
Modest Mouse: This Is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About
Patrick Wolf: Wind in the Wires
Morrissey: Live at Earl's Court
The New Pornographers: Mass Romantic
XTC: Drums and Wires
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Nocturama

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

!!!: Myth Takes
The Arcade Fire: Neon Bible
Wolf & Cub: Vessels
Amon Tobin: Foley Room

Monday, March 05, 2007

Tujiko Noriko: Solo
Panda Bear: Person Pitch
Audionom: Retrospektiv
Gruff Rhys: Candylion
Dälek: Abandoned Language

Friday, March 02, 2007

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